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This part of documentation is about websites and configuration. Here you can find list of pages about it:

  1. Getting started.
  2. Config.

The website template consists of lots of different files. Their structure is specially configured to work with GudHub packages.

Project Folder

This is the main folder in which the site template was installed. It is created by you at the beginning of the package installation. All other folders and files are stored here.

For the most part, the project structure is standard.

To work with the GudHub server and packages, your project must meet certain requirements. Therefore, we will consider all the files using the example of a template that already meets all the requirements.

Folders are first in the list, followed by files. There are four folder at all:

Each of them is described in a separate chapters below. So, now we will consider the purpose of other files:

  • config.mjs - allows you to configure the site, set a list of initial parameters required to start the project. More information can be found in the article Config.
  • package-lock.json and package.json - both package files contain all the libraries included in the project.
  • README.md - a basic readme file that contains introductory information about the technology, how to set it up and work with it, and explanations of how it works.
  • webpack.common.js, webpack.dev.js, and webpack.prod.js - files which allows the webpack to build the website.
  • gitignore files - contain files and folders that Git should ignore and not track.

Among all these files, only contents of the scr folder and config file can be freely edited.


This folder is used for the SSR technology. This is where the cache of static pages is stored. More details can be found in the article Caching.


Webpack builds all files in the dist folder. So, it contains only the builded files.

Node Modules

This is the folder where the node modules will be installed.


The source folder is where your main work will take place. Here we have a standard set of template files and folders:

  • assets
    • css
    • images
    • js
  • html files

So, it is a folder that stores all the styles, images, components, HTML files, and other files of the site.

Each of them can be edited at your discretion.