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Button is quite useful gh-element that can be used for connection between other elements.

Functional Characteristics

In fact, this Button does nothing by itself. It is designed to work in conjunction with automation nodes. Thus, the functionality of the button is determined by the setting of its automation.

Element Options

Button settings consists of only one group of options.

Field Settings

Besides standard Field Name and Name Space, the element has special functions to configure the button look.

Settings of button field

Name Description
Color allows to select the color of button; details...
Icon allows to select the icon image; details...


After clicking on this circle you can open Color Picker and select the color of the button.


This special function allows to select and add the icon near the button name.

Once an icon is selected, it cannot be deleted, but only changed to another one.

Element Style

This element has no style options other than the standard ones. About all of them you can read in Setting Overview. In addition, you can find information about interpretation.

Style of button element


There are no filters which can filter out this element.


The button has only one interpretation type:

Types of button interpretation

Value Format

The button does not have value.

Data Model

The button data model contains values of the element options:

    "data_model": {
        "color": "#0893d2",
        "icon": "box",
        "interpretation": []
Name Type Description
color string contains the hex code of the icon color
icon string contains the ID of the icon image
interpretation array contains all button interpretation types