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Rest API

Auth Rest API

Authentication requests are responsible for a user account. It provides creating an account, changing data about it, and access it.

In this article you can read about all these requests:

  1. auth/signup
  2. auth/login with password & username
  3. auth/login with auth_key
  4. auth/login with accesstoken
  5. auth/getuserbyid
  6. auth/updateuser
  7. auth/logout
  8. auth/userlist


Request for creating a new user account.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/auth/signup

It contains user object with standard registration information. The object "user" needs certain data to be created:

Property Type Description
fullname string contains full user name
password string contains user password
username string contains user email


   user: {
      "fullname" : "Jon Jerry",
      "password" : "mypassword",
      "username" : "jon@gudhub.com"


As a result you will get an object with all user data.

   "user_id" : 149,
   "accesstoken" : "hkpbqelu_jt-rxatjfvulzjgfj-qizjhunonbdto",
   "username" : "jon@gudhub.com",
   "fullname" : "Jon Jerry",
   "auth_key" : "jgjgGJHGgHGJGHJBGHJGG/DKJSL934394",
   "expirydate" : 1497912166008,
   "app_init" : 3444

Status Code

Name Description
200 Ok user is registered
400 Bad Request incorrect request syntax
600 user with such name does not exist

auth/login with password & username

There are two types of login requests. The first one is with the help of password and username. It contains password and username.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/auth/login

It contains password and username.

Property Type Description
password string user account password
login string user account login


   password : mypassword
   login : johndow@gudhub.com


In return will be an object of user data.

   "accesstoken": "zjzvgiesfiifsdkhiilfkskd33u",
   "app_init": 26749,
   "auth_key": "bMfVNFzEQX3KjqbMQ+BhnVk",
   "avatar_128": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/1578_2208_128.jpg",
   "avatar_512": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/1578_2208_512.jpg",
   "expirydate": 1674256597882,
   "fullname": "John Dow",
   "user_id": 78,
   "username": "johndow@gudhub.com"

Status Code

Name Description
200 Ok success
401 Unauthorized wrong login or password
711 incorrect login
712 incorect password

auth/login with authkey

Request for login into an existing account.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/auth/login

It contains the auth key.

Property Type Description
auth_key string personal authentication key




As well as the first login request, this one will returns an object with user data.

   "accesstoken": "zjzvgiesfiifsdkhiilfkskd33u",
   "app_init": 26749,
   "auth_key": "bMfVNFzEQX3KjqbMQ+BhnVk",
   "avatar_128": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/1578_2208_128.jpg",
   "avatar_512": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/1578_2208_512.jpg",
   "expirydate": 1674256597882,
   "fullname": "John Dow",
   "user_id": 78,
   "username": "johndow@gudhub.com"

Status Code

Name Description
000 Unauthorized wrong auth_key
200 Ok success

auth/login with token

One more login request allows you to login by the valid user token.

But it can be used for one token only for 8 hours of its existence. After that, the token changes.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Query params https://gudhub.com/GudHub/auth/login

This request only transmits an existing valid token.

Property Type Description
accesstoken string used to get access


   token: thog-tayjf-.k-cbeapsebnqawkphhiny-ursyqsn


The current method returns an object with user data.

Note that this method returns data with a new access token that is valid for the next 8 hours.

   "accesstoken": "zjzvgiesfiifsdkhiilfkskd33u",
   "app_init": 26749,
   "auth_key": "bMfVNFzEQX3KjqbMQ+BhnVk",
   "avatar_128": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/1578_2208_128.jpg",
   "avatar_512": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/1578_2208_512.jpg",
   "expirydate": 1674256597882,
   "fullname": "John Dow",
   "user_id": 78,
   "username": "johndow@gudhub.com"

Status Code

Name Description
200 Ok success login


This get request allows to get the user by his/her ID. It is automatically called when the user clicks on Sharing button. In fact, it returns the users who have permission for the application in which the request was called.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
GET Query String Parameters https://gudhub.com/GudHub_Test/auth/getuserbyid

The request consists of a token and the ID of the user whose object will be retrieved.

Property Type Description
token string used to get access
id number ID of the user whose data are to be retrieved


   token: thog-tayjf-.k-cbeapsebnqawkphhiny-ursyqsn
   id: 1578


In response, you will get the desired user, if his/her profile exists.

   "avatar_128": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/1578_9032_128.jpg",
   "avatar_512": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/1578_9032_512.jpg",
   "expirydate": 0,
   "fullname": "John Dow",
   "user_id": 1578,
   "username": "johndow@gudhub.com"

Status Code

Name Description
200 Ok user is registered


Request for updating data of the existing account.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/auth/updateuser

It contains token and user object.

Property Type Description
token string using for getting access
user object created user


   Token: prijmtwlezsxxyromyzbx_eptm.etnkhaewwp-_y

      "user_id" : 149,
      "fullname" : "Jon Jerry",
      "username" : "jon@gudhub.com",
      "avatar": "...",
      "app_init" : 3444


In result will be updated user data.

   "user_id" : 149,
   "username" : "jon@gudhub.com",
   "fullname" : "Jon Jerry",
   "expirydate" : 0,
   "app_init" : 3445

Status Code

Name Description
200 Ok success


Request for signing out of the account.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/auth/logout

It contains only token.

Property Type Description
token string using for getting access




In reply will be a success message.

Logout OK for token: 

Status Code

Name Description
200 logout is success


This request allows to get the list of users which have keyword matches. The keyword can contain any number of signs. The user list will be retrieved if it has at least three signs.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
GET Query String Parameters https://gudhub.com/GudHub_Test/auth/userlist

The current request sends token and keyword.

Property Type Description
token string allows to get the access
keyword string contains the string that will be used to find users for the list


   token: thog-tayjf-.k-cbeapsebnqawkphhiny-ursyqsn
   keyword: john


In response, you will get an array of matched user objects.

   "avatar_128": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/6832_128.jpg",
   "avatar_512": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/6832_512.jpg",
   "expirydate": 0,
   "fullname": "John Dow",
   "user_id": 1578,
   "username": "johndow@gudhub.com"

Status Code

Name Description
200 Ok user is registered
400 Bad Request incorrect request syntax