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Core API


Roughly speaking, pipe is data layer that ensures data exchange.

All methods that allow to pull data are contained in Pipe Server. It is a set of events that allows to listen to the events and deliver data.It is based on Node.js Event Emitters & Observer Pattern.

The PipeServer works due to the subscriptions. They help to exchange data. Every field can subscribes to the events.

PipeService has tree methods:

Name Type Description
event string accepts the name of the event
address object accepts address of the field where the event located
fn function accepts the function
destination object event recipient
params - parameters that are passed to the function

Any type of data can be passed as a parameter.


This is the method that is called for getting subscription.

It accepts three arguments:

  • event
  • address
  • function
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';
const gudhub = new GudHub();
let address = {
    app_id: newApp.app_id;

// the function will be executed when event happens 
function myFunction(event, value){
    console.log('new app name', value.app_name);

    //if you do not want listen the event anymore, you can destroy it  
    gudhub.destroy('gh_app_info_update', address, myFunction);

gudhub.on('gh_app_info_update', address, myFunction);

Also, you can subscribe to several events at the same time:

import GudHub from '@GudHub/core';
const gudhub = new GudHub();
let address = {
    app_id: 12345;

// function for passing two values of the argument
function myFunction(event, value){
    switch(event) {

        case 'gh_item_update':
            alert( 'Updated Item Event!' );

        case 'gh_model_update': 
            alert( 'Updated Model Event!' );
    //if you do not want listen the event anymore, you can destroy it  
    gudhub.destroy('gh_item_update gh_model_update', address, myFunction);

gudhub.on('gh_item_update gh_model_update', model_address, myFunction)


This is the method that is used by GudHub itself. It is called for getting existing subscription. Emit can work without recipient. That means it is called even if no one has subscribed.

It takes four arguments:

  • event
  • destination
  • address
  • params

In addition to existing events, you can devise your own event and emit it.

Event name Address Description
gh_apps_list_update - allows to update the application list
gh_apps_list_refreshed - allows to refresh app list
gh_app_info_update app_id updates application information
gh_app_views_update app_id updates application views
gh_document_insert_one app_id, item_id, element_id adds a document or updates a document if it exists
gh_filter_items - allows to filter items in the application
gh_items_add app_id adds items to the item list
gh_item_update app_id, item_id updates the value of any item field
gh_items_update app_id updates the value of items field
gh_model_update app_id, field_id updates field model in field_list
gh_model_delete - deletes field model from field_list and from items
gh_file_upload app_id, item_id, file_id allows to add file to the file list
gh_file_update app_id, file_id updates file data in the file list
gh_file_delete app_id, file_id deletes file from the file list
gh_value_update app_id, item_id, field_id updates field value in item

The example of using the emit method:

    { app_id: newApp.app_id },


For some time, all of subscriptions are accumulated in memory. And they do not know that they must be destroyed for optimum work. So, the destroy method exists for ruining extra subscriptions and for optimization the process.

If the destroy method is contained in a function, it means that the event is a one-time event.

Destroy takes the same arguments as the on method: event, address, function.

import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';
const gudhub = new GudHub();
let address = {
    app_id: newApp.app_id;

// the function will be executed when event happens 
function myFunction(event, value){
    console.log('new app name', value.app_name);

    //if you do not want listen the event anymore, you can destroy it  
    gudhub.destroy('gh_app_views_update', address, myFunction);

gudhub.on('gh_app_views_update', address, myFunction);