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Getting Started

This tutorial helps you to start work with GudHub DXP. We'll use the simplest settings here. More information can be found in the article Server.

First, make sure you have a node and node version is at least 16.18.0. How to install a Node JS read here.

Step 1. Creating Folder

To create the folder firstly open the terminal or press Ctrl+Alt+T. The terminal will opens in the user directory. To create a new folder enter command:

mkdir GudHub_Website

Where GudHub_Website is a name of the folder.

The terminal returns an empty string if the folder is successfully created. After that you have to go to the created folder using command:

cd GudHub_Website

In this folder we will continue to work. In terminal it looks like this:

Creating the project folder

Step 2. Installing CLI

After that you have to install the @gudhub/ssg-website-cli package. To do this, use the following command:

npm i @gudhub/ssg-website-cli -g

Note, the package must be installed globally.

If the installation ia successful, you will see this result in the terminal:

Result of the command execution

This is a basic package that allows you to use the following features. Wait for it to install, which can take a while.

Step 3. Install Project

After installing the package, you can create a website using the following command:


Next, you will see an information banner. It says that you have to enter your GudHub account to continue. So, enter your email and password.

If you don't have a GudHub account yet, sign up first.

Authorization in CLI

If the authorization is successful you will see the string: Dependencies installed successfully!.

Dependencies installed successfully

Also, the corresponding files and node modules will be downloaded to the previously selected folder. Two applications with website content will also appear in the list of applications in your GudHub account.

Pages and Team apps

  • Pages - contains the data of all pages and their content. Here you can find the endpoint of every page.
  • Team - the application that contains all data about members of your team. This data will be automatically pulled up in the About Us page.

Step 4. Running Website

After logging in, you need to start a server and your project. The easiest way to do that is to run:

npm run start

In the terminal, the process will look like this:

Command execution in the terminal

If the process is successful, the site template will open in the browser on the default host and port:

Server have to be raised during the development. This is because it reacts to changes and rebuilds the site.

That means, do not interrupt the process in the terminal. If you need a console for other commands, open a new terminal tab.

The website template looks like the following picture. More details about the GudHub site you can reed here.

Image of the default site