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jsonToItems is a comfortable instrument for generating items. Namely, this method converts json to gudhub items. Created items can be used for generating new ones.

import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';
const AUTHKEY =  "KJGJsbjaSADAfskajlkmoiwuehyugT//ssefiooq0kd79uiohdwg2y81y";
const gudhub = await new GudHub(AUTHKEY);
const APPID = "27781";
const FIELDID = "645634";
let json = {
        "book": [
                "category": "reference",
                "author": "Nigel Rees",
                "title": "Sayings of the Century",
                "price": 8.95

let fieldsMap = [{
        field_id: FIELDID,
        json_path : "$..author",

//item generation
let items = gudhub.jsonToItems(json, fieldsMap);

// add new generated items in application
gudhub.addNewItems(APPID, items);

jsonToItem takes two objects as arguments. The first one is a source code from that the data will be taken. The second, roughly speaking, is a model by which items are generated.

Name Type Description
json object json that is going to be converted to gudhub items
fieldsMap object object in json format which contains instructions of how to convert to items

The method returns items list of objects with required data:

            "field_id": 12356,
            "field_value": "test value"
            "field_id": 12356,
            "field_value": "test value2"
}, ...]

We suggest you to get to know more about jsonToItem method in tutorial.


The process of the conversation is based on fieldsMap. It is an array of objects. Each of them contains two properties with such values as field ID and JSONPath query. Due to this information method gets required data from relevant field. It uses JSONPath to parse JSON.

        field_id: 431,
        json_path : "$..item_id"
        field_id: 431,
        json_path : "$..item_id"