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Slider is a gh-element that allows to make a slideshow of images from items. Due to it, the images can be swiped like a slider.

Functional Characteristics

This element can be used to display advertising banners or to display products.

Value Format

Slider does not contain any value.

Element Options

Slider settings are consists of three blocks.

Field Settings

The first block of settings configures the main aspects of the element. It also contains standard field settings.

Settings of slider element

Name Description
Application allows to select the source application; details...
Image allows to select the source field; details...
Height allows to set the element height; details...


This is the application from which all needed data will be taken.


This function allows to select the field from which images will be taken for slideshow.


You can set the slider height due to this function. There are seven possible values:

  • 64
  • 128
  • 256
  • 384
  • 512
  • 768
  • 1024

Advanced Settings

This group of settings allows you to add a link and an image name to the item image, in addition to the main settings.

Advanced settings of slider element

Name Description
Show URL allows to add link to the image; details...
URL allows to select the field from which links wil be taken; details...
Show Text allows you to show the text associated with the image; details...
Text allows to select field from which text will be taken; details...

Show URL

This setting allows you to add URLs to images. When a user clicks on an image, he goes to a specific link.


This is the setting where you have to enter the link which will be used in the slider.

Show Text

This function allows to configure whether any text will appears when user hover his/her cursor over the image in the slider.


This is the text that will be displayed when user hover his/her cursor over the image in the slider.


This block contains the standard filter element. Due to this, you can customize which items will be displayed by using different filters.

Filter of the slider element

Element Style

The slider is the element whose interpretation types are more useful for its style than all other style settings, which are standard.

Style of slider element

Data Model

The slider data model contains all element settings:

    "data_model": {
        "app_id": "28560",
        "filters_list": [],
        "height": "512",
        "image": {
            "field_id": "671841"
        "interpretation": [],
        "text": {
            "active": 1,
            "field_id": "671831"
        "url": {
            "active": 1,
            "field_id": "679766"
Name Type Description
app_id string contains ID of the source application
filters_list array contains all filters that are applied to the element
height string contains value of height of the slider
image object contains settings of the image for slider
field_id string contains ID of the field from which images will be taken for slider
interpretation array contains all element interpretation types
text object contains text settings
active boolean shows whether the text will be shown in slider or not
field_id string contains ID of the from which text will be taken for slider
url object contains URL settings
active boolean shows whether links will be used in slider
field_id string contains ID of the field which URL will be taken for slider


This element cannot be filtered out.


Both types of slider interpretation display images of items and allows to follow specific links, but they still have few differences:

Types of slider interpretation


The first type of interpretation displays images of items with gaps between them. It also do not allow image names be displayed.

Logos interpretation type


This type displays images without gaps. In addition, when you hover your cursor over any image, it is shaded and its name is displayed on it.

Projects interpretation type