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Rest API

Managing Users In Groups

This chapter describes each of the requests related to a user who belongs to a group. They all have a certain logic of operation and a few important rules.

Each of users in the group has his/her own permission.

Each of the groups uses these requests to work with users:

Users Rules

There are two important rules for users:

  • Group Owner/Admin can add User to group and set his/her permission.
  • User can delete himself from group. In other words, user can leave the group.

User Permissions

Value Meaning Message
0 blocked user who is not allowed to have any rights for a certain group of applications(the group will not be displayed in this user`s app_list)
1 member user that can read and write data in a certain group of applications
2 admin user who has the rights to add, delete and update applications in the group
3 owner default permission for creator of the group; owner can all what can admin


This request allows to add a new user to the group.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/api/sharing-group/add-user-to-group

This request sent token, user and group IDs, and user permission to the group.

Property Type Description
token string using to getting the access to the group
group_id number ID of the destination group
user_id number ID of the user that will be added
group_permission number ID of the permission of the user

Example Request:

    token: gvydsjtynywadogvejv_bawqlztqfjabdyuhrsnref 
    group_id: 3
    user_id: 23456
    group_permission: 2


In response, you will get the ID of the added user and his/her permission to the group.

    "user_id": 74872,
    "group_permission": 2,
    "group_id": 3

Status Code

Status Code Message
200 response
600 attempt to create delete event with null entity
601 such permission does not exist
710 access is not allowed


This chapter describes each of the queries related to a user who belongs to a group. get a list of users who belong to group.

Each of users in the group has his/her own permission. to a certain group.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/api/sharing-group/get-users-by-group

It only accepts the token and the group ID.

Property Type Description
token string using to getting the access to the group
group_id number ID of the group from which you want to pull the list of users

Example Request:

    token: gvydsjtynywadogvejv_bawqlztqfjabdyuhrsnref
    group_id: 5


The current response request returns an array of user objects. Each of them contains the group ID, the user ID, and his/her rights for that group.

    "user_id": 24381,
    "group_permission": 4,
    "group_id": 5
    "user_id": 24382,
    "group_permission": 1,
    "group_id": 5
    "user_id": 24383,
    "group_permission": 1,
    "group_id": 5
    "user_id": 24384,
    "group_permission": 0,
    "group_id": 5

Status Code

Status Code Message
200 response
600 attempt to create delete event with null entity
710 access is not allowed


The current request is called to change the user permission to the group.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/api/sharing-group/update-user-in-group

The request contains group and user IDs, and a new permission.

Property Type Description
token string using to getting the access to the group
group_id number ID of the group in which the permission of the certain user will be updated
user_id number ID of the user whose permission will be updated
group_permission number ID of permission that is granted to the user

Example Request:

    token: gvydsjtynywadogvejv_bawqlztqfjabdyuhrsnref
    group_id: 4
    user_id: 32424
    group_permission: 0


It returns the ID of the group and the user, and, accordingly, the new permission of the user in the group.

    "group_id": 4,
    "user_id": 23456,
    "group_permission": 0

Status Code

Status Code Message
200 response
600 attempt to create delete event with null entity
601 such permission does not exist
710 access is not allowed


To delete other users and leave the group, the user deletion request is used.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/api/sharing-group/delete-user-from-group

This request sends the token, group and user IDs.

Property Type Description
token string using to getting the access to the group
group_id number ID of the group from which the user will be deleted
user_id number ID of the user that will be deleted

Example Request:

    token: gvydsjtynywadogvejv_bawqlztqfjabdyuhrsnref
    group_id: 6
    user_id: 52738


In response, you will get the data about deleted user: ID of the group, his/her user ID and permission.

    "user_id": 34453,
    "group_permission": 2,
    "group_id": 6

Status Code

Status Code Message
200 response
600 attempt to create delete event with null entity
710 access is not allowed


This request allows to get the full list of the groups the certain user belongs to.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/api/sharing-group/get-groups-by-user

It contains only the token and user ID.

Property Type Description
token string using to getting the access to the group
user_id number ID of the user that is used for searching

Example Request:

    token: gvydsjtynywadogvejv_bawqlztqfjabdyuhrsnref
    user_id: 15432


In response, you get an array of groups objects to which the user belongs.

    "group_id": 1,
    "group_name": "Management",
    "user_id": 15432,
    "group_permission": 1
    "group_id": 2,
    "group_name": "Developing",
    "user_id": 15432,
    "group_permission": 0
    "group_id": 3,
    "group_name": "Sales",
    "user_id": 15432,
    "group_permission": 3

Status Code

Status Code Message
200 response
600 attempt to create delete event with null entity
710 access is not allowed