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Understanding Gudhub

Value Formatting

Lots of gh-element store some values. Despite of usual databases, GudHub has no column types.

All values in GudHub are stored as a string type data.

That is why, we have introduced some standards of data recording. There are lots of gh-elements that contain some data called field value. The each value is formatted according to the element where it is stored.

Data Presentation

Since all data is stored as a string type, its presentation based on dividers. That means, different types of elements has different dividers or at their absence.


Any single value is stored as a string data without any dividers.

    "field_value": "John Dow"

Value Range

There lots of element which has two values related to each other. They may circumscribe some range or denote coordinates. Such values are stored separated by a colon.

The current divider is inherent to such elements:

The example of values of such elements:

    "field_value": "19.7633057:96.07851040000001"


Some of elements in GudHub contains the multiple value. This type of value has its own divider.

All their values will be stored in one string separated by a comma.

    "field_value": "John Dow, Johana Dow"

Types Of Value

Besides of presentation, values can be divided by types. It is because every element has its own specification, so their data must be different.


All values are stored as a string type data. The number is not an exception.

    "field_value": "3"

Generally speaking, the number does not have any features other than floating numbers.


Floating point values are stored with a point. If user enters float value with the comma it will be saved as NaN.

    "field_value": "5.00"


The boolean values in GudHub are stored as 1 or 0. This is because all data is stored as string type data and numbers 1, 0 take less memory than words true, false.

    "field_value": "1"


All options elements store the numbers of the selected option. Like the previous value type, the current one uses numbers to use less memory.

    "field_value": "3"

Such type of value is used in these gh-elements:

Date and Time

The date and time values are stored in milliseconds. Milliseconds counted since January 1, 1970. All dates after this date are positive values, all dates before are negative values.

Date and time after 1970. Jul 18 2022 21:00:29:

    "field_value": "1658178029973"

Date and time before 1970. Jun 16 1917 02:59:30:

    "field_value": "-1658178029973"


Items in GudHub can be linked using special generated references. It is the standard way to applications together. The reference consists of the source application ID and a specific item ID, separated by a point.

    "field_value": "29000.3123100"

It can mostly be seen as the value of the Item Reference parameter, but it is also used to configure different elements.


The files are contained in the file list. Each file has its own ID, and it is this ID that is contained in some elements. You can get the file itself using his it.

    "field_value": "952766"


The JSON documents in GudHub have their own IDs. It is this identifier that some elements store as a value:

    "field_value": "62e0de10b3a26926b24136ef"

One of elements that contains such value is Quiz.


The selected colors are contained in elements as a appropriate hex code.

    "field_value": "#ffffff"


The phone is an element whose value have a special divider. The value format of the phone depends of the availability of the country code and the extension. They can be added in Phone element settings.

The country code and extension number are divided from the main number by point.

The full phone value is looks like this:

    "field_value": "1.4842918926.456"

But the number without that additions have no dividers.