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Rest API

Managing Sharing Groups

Each of group has its own name and generated ID.

Maximum number of signs in the name of the group is 40.

Requests to work directly with the group:


At first, you have to create the group. The current request is used for this.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/api/sharing-group/create-group

It transfers user token and name of the group.

Property Type Description
token string using to getting the access to the group
group_name string name of the group that will be created

Example Request:

    token: gvydsjtynywadogvejv_bawqlztqfjabdyuhrsnref
    group_name: Test


In response, an object with the generated ID and the entered name of the new group is returned.

    "group_id": 5,
    "group_name": "Test"

Status Code

Status Code Message
200 group is created
600 data too long for column 'group_name' at row 1
601 incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x83' for column 'group_name' at row 1


When a user wants to change the name of the group, an update request is sent.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/api/sharing-group/update-group

This request contains the user token, ID and new name of the group to be updated.

Property Type Description
token string using to getting the access to the group
group_name string new name of the group that will be updated
group_id number ID of the group that will be updated

Example Request:

    token: gvydsjtynywadogvejv_bawqlztqfjabdyuhrsnref
    group_id: 5
    group_name: Updated group name


This request returns the name and ID of the group just updated.

    "group_id": 5,
    "group_name": "Updated group name"

Status Code

Status Code Message
200 group is updated
600 incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x83' for column 'group_name' at row 1
601 data too long for column 'group_name' at row 1
710 access is not allowed


The current request is to delete the existed group.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/api/sharing-group/delete-group

The request consists of the user token and the identifier of the group to be deleted.

Property Type Description
token string using to getting the access to the group
group_id number ID of the group that will be deleted

Example Request:

    token: gvydsjtynywadogvejv_bawqlztqfjabdyuhrsnref
    group_id: 5


In response, the user will get the ID and name of the just deleted group.

    "group_id": 5,
    "group_name": "Updated group name"

Status Code

Status Code Message
200 group is deleted
600 attempt to create delete event with null entity
710 access is not allowed