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Yes/No gh-element is used then you need either strictly negative or strictly positive answer.

Functional Characteristics

This element is mostly used in different questionnaire and tests. For example, you can use it when you need the user to consent to the processing of personal data.

Value Format

The possible values of this element are in its data model as the value of the property is literally called value. Each of them has the certain name:

  • Yes
    "field_value": "1"
  • No
    "field_value": "0"

Element Options

Yes/No element does have standard Field Settings and has no additional settings.

Settings of yes/no field

Element Style

As many gh-elements, this one has only standard options for its style. About each of them you can read in Settings Overview and about its interpretation read below.

Style of yes/no element

Data Model

The main distinctive feature of this gh-element is an array of the only two values.

    "data_model": {
        "default_field_value": 0,
        "interpretation": [],
        "options": [{
            "name": "Yes",
            "value": 1
            "name": "No",
            "value": 0
        "use_default_value": 0
Name Type Description
default_field_value number contains default value of the element
interpretation array contains all element interpretations
options array contains both element options
name string name of the option
value number value of the certain option
use_default_value boolean shows whether the default value is used or not


Since yes/no element has only two values, it can be filtered by not a big variety of filters.


Despite of its simplicity, this element is very useful tool. So it needs lots of interpretations.

Types of yes/no interpretation


The default interpretation of yes/no element allows to display it as a field with a drop-down list of two values.


It displays a small checkbox. When it is checked, the value is 'Yes'. When it is not, the value is 'No'.


This interpretation allows to display switch. When it is on, the value is 'Yes'. When it is off, the value is 'No'.

Plain Text

This is the interpretation type that allows to set a value and does it uneditable.

Plain Text Symbol

Allows to display uneditable symbol for true value.


The last interpretation type displays the field value.