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Funnel Charts

Funnel Charts is a gh-element that allows to visualize the calculated data in the form of the funnel chart. It has its own calculation functions. You also can customize it as you wish.

Functional Characteristics

The purpose of this element is similar to the simple funnel charts. That is, the current gh-element is used to visualize some processes with data such as for recruitment or sales.

Value Format

This element does not have field value.

Element Options

The element has three groups of settings. One of them is responsible only for adjusting the appearance of the graphs, while the others are important for the operation of the element itself.

Field And Design Settings

The first block of settings is separated on two groups. The first one contains standard field settings and one important additional option. The design settings are not mandatory, but they help you customizing charts.

Settings of funnel chart field and design

Name Description
Application allows to select the source application; details...
Keep allows to select the side of the cases displaying; details...
Gap allows to set the distance between trapeziums; details...
Top width allows to set the width of the trapezium top; details...
Bottom width allows to set the width of the trapezium bottom; details...
Legend allows to display the legend for the chart cases; details...
Axis values allows to display the Y axis values; details...
Tooltips allows to display tooltips; details...
Values on chart allows to display values on the chart; details...


This is the application from which the fields will be taken for calculations of funnel chart areas.


This function allows to determine where the funnel area will be located:

  • Auto (center)
  • Left
  • Right


The gap is s distance between funnels areas.

Top Width

This is a setting that allows you to adjust the width of the areas at the top of the chart.

Bottom Width

The current settings allows you to set the width of the chart bottom.


Legend is a list of existing area marks in the upper left conner. They contains name and color of the certain funnel area. Their order is the same as the order of the cases in Case Settings. In addition, clicking on these labels allows you to show and hide the corresponding area.

Axis Values

This is the vertical axis on which the calculated values of areas are displayed.


These are pop-ups that appear when you hover your cursor over the certain area. The color of the funnel area, the name and the calculated value are displayed in the tooltips.

Values On Chart

The last function allows you to determine whether the calculated values will be displayed in the corresponding areas.

Cases Settings

The funnel chart is separated on the areas which show the certain data. That data is the result of the calculation of the selected fields. Cases Settings allows to configure the appearance of the areas, the type of calculation, and fields that will be used for it.

Settings of funnel chart cases

Name Description
Name allows to enter the name of the case; details...
Color allows to select the color of the case area; details...
Field calculate allows to select the field by which the value of the case is calculated; details...
Aggregation allows to select the type of the case value; details...
Conditions allows to add filters that determine which items will be used in the current case; details...
Edit allows to edit and delete cases; details...


This is the name of the the certain funnel area.


This color is the selected color of the funnel area.

Field Calculate

This field by which the area will be calculated.


Due to this function you can select the type of the calculation. There are only two options:

  • Sum
  • Count


The conditions are responsible for filtering out the items. Namely, they determine which elements will be used to calculate the current area using filters.


This column contains two buttons for each of area. One of them allows you to edit a case, the other allows you to delete it.

Element Style

The funnel chart has only standard settings that customize its style. Also his interpretation has not many variation.

Style of funnel chart element

Data Model

The element data model contains all values of its settings:

    "data_model": {
        "app_id": "28827",
        "calculate_type": "sum",
        "charts_option": [{
            "aggregation": "count",
            "color": "#2d4a84",
            "field_id_calc": "680004",
            "filters_list": [],
            "name": "sfd"
        "field_for_sorting": "",
        "filters_list": [],
        "height_charts": 400,
        "interpretation": [],
        "settings": {
            "axisValues": 1,
            "bottomWidth": "15",
            "gap": "45",
            "keep": "left",
            "legend": 1,
            "tooltips": 1,
            "topWidth": "",
            "valuesOnChart": 1
Name Type Description
app_id string contains ID of the source application
calculate_type string contains value of the selected type of calculation
charts_option array contains settings of all charts cases
aggregation string contains value of the selected aggregation
color string contains hex code of the charts color
field_id_calc string contains ID of the field by which the charts values will be calculated
filters_list array contains filters of the charts case
name string contains name of the charts case
height_charts number contains value of the chart height
interpretation array contains all element interpretation types
settings object contains values of design settings
axisValues boolean shows whether the y axis will be displayed or not
bottomWidth string contains value of the bottom width of funnel areas
gap string contains value of the gap between the chart areas
keep string contains value of location on the chart of areas
tooltips boolean shows whether tooltips of the values will be used or not
topWidth string contains value of the top width of funnel areas
valuesOnChart boolean shows whether values of the calculation will be displayed on charts or not


This element cannot be filtered out.


This gh-element has two types of interpretation:

Types of funnel chart interpretation


The first type of interpretation allows to display the calculated data in the form of funnel charts. It is an interactive type.


This type allows to display only the name of the gh-element.