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Rest API

User Sharing

The sharing requests allows not only share the application with other users. Due to them you can literally manage accesses to the application. Each user can have one of the permissions to access the application.

The sharing request allows the user to share the app, assign access permission and invite people to GudHub:

  1. sharing/add
  2. sharing/get-app-users
  3. sharing/update
  4. sharing/delete
  5. invitation/add

Description of sharing_permission Value

Value Meaning Description
0 Block ban on having any rights to the certain application(it will not be displayed in this user`s app_list)
1 Read right only to read data of a certain application
2 Write right to read and write in a certain application
3 Admin right to add, delete, and update fields in application
4 Owner default permission for application creating; is given to user that create this application; can all what can admin, delete and share application


Due to this request, you can expand an application with other users. It contains token, user ID, application ID, and a number of sharing permission.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/sharing/add

It contains token, user ID, application ID, and a number of sharing permission.

Property Type Description
token string using for getting access
app_id object application object, which is created
user_id number personal user ID
sharing_permision number rights to application which are granted to user


        app_id: 178
        sharing_permission: 0
        token: bbcvqhzgr.swms-_-.oj_vdia_bert.gkanyfww_cg
        user_id: 28


In response will be data about user and his permission.


Status Code

Name Description
200 user has accessed the application
710 user have no rights for sharing


The current request is called to get the list of users who has permission to the application. It is automatically called when the user clicks Sharing.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub_Test/sharing/get-app-users

This request send the token and ID of the application.

Property Type Description
app_id number The ID of the application from which the users will be gotten
token string allows to get access


app_id: 28877
token: thog-tayjf-.k-cbeapsebnqawkphhiny-ursyqsn


It returns an array of all users that have access rights to this application.

        "app_id": 28877,
        "avatar_128": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/123.jpg",
        "avatar_512": "https://gudhub.com/avatars/345.jpg",
        "fullname": "John Dow",
        "sharing_permission": 2,
        "user_id": 1578

Status Code

Name Description
200 user is registered
400 Bad Request incorrect request syntax


This is the request that allows to update the user permission.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/sharing/update

This request contains all the same token, user ID, application ID, and a number of the new user permission.

Property Type Description
app_id number contains ID of the application
sharing_permission number contains number of the permission
token string contains working token
user_id number contains ID of user whose access will be update


        app_id: 28753
        sharing_permission: 3
        token: lrxvzikg-mij-_szdgipxtjeybd.-v._amkdbdsxjk
        user_id: 1571


In response will be updated data about user and his new permission.


Status Code

Name Description
200 user has accessed the application
710 user have no rights for updating


The current request is invoked when the owner or administrator of an application deletes a user from that application. It is not the same as the blocked permission that. The deleted user can open that app if it is public. If permission is Blocked, the blocked user will not be able to open this application anyway.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/sharing/delete

The request sends the token, the ID of the user to be deleted, and the ID of the application from which the user will be deleted.

Property Type Description
app_id number ID of the application in which the operation is performed
token string used to get the access
user_id number ID of the user that will be deleted


app_id: 22208
token: bgikl-szbeaqivhj.fdqu/trwbwqbgh..ffjqwb
user_id: 1534


The response will be a remote user object.

        "app_id": 22208,
        "permission": 1,
        "user_id": 1534

Status Code

Name Description
200 user has accessed the application
710 user have no rights for deleting other users


This is the request that is sent to invite the user to the GudHub. With this invitation, the user sends access to some selected applications. The user sending invitations can give any permission of the shared application to the invitee.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub_Test/api/invitation/add

The current request sends an array with invitees emails, an array of app objects, and token.

Property Type Description
guests_emails array contains all emails addresses to which the invitations will be sent
apps array contains ID and permission of the application
token string allows to get access to the apps


guests_emails: ["john@dow.com","johana@dow.com"]
apps: [{"app_id":27781,"permission":1},{"app_id":31080,"permission":2}]
token: jezyusdfmbzvqn-un._fk.ydnvamdoph.ybbdameo


In response, we will get an array with objects containing the email to which the invitation will be sent, the application ID and the permission given to the invitee.

        "guest_email": "john@dow.com", 
        "app_id": 27781, 
        "permission": 1
        "guest_email": "johana@dow.com", 
        "app_id": 27781, 
        "permission": 1
        "guest_email": "john@dow.com", 
        "app_id": 31080, 
        "permission": 2
        "guest_email": "johana@dow.com",
        "app_id": 31080, 
        "permission": 2

Status Code

Name Description
200 user has accessed the application