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Understanding Gudhub


Before reading this chapter, recommend you get acquainted with the application.

Data can have different forms and meanings, various types and values. The way of organizing this huge amount is a data structure. GudHub`s application has a separate object. It was called My Application by default but the user can change its name. This chapter describes the data structure in the application and takes a detailed look at the main object and explains its properties.

My Application is the main object of application. It contains all application data.

    "app_id": 26506, 
    "app_name": "My Application",
    "chunks": [],
    "file_list": [],
    "group_id": 26477,
    "icon": {},
    "last_update": 1637152291180,
    "permission": 4,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 1,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 1289961,

Below you can see all application properties.

Name Type Description
app_id number unique identification in the system
app_name string application name
field_list array contains all data type models; details...
file_list array contains data about files loaded into the application; details...
icon object contains your applications icon information; details...
items_list array this array is information storage; details...
last_update number shows last time of update in milliseconds
permission number shows the kind of access you have
priority number position in the list
privacy number shows application is public or not
show boolean shows object is visible in list or not
trash boolean shows application is deleted or not
view_init number shows which view do we use to enter
views_list array this object array contains information about all program views; details...

1. icon

As you can guess from the title, this object contains your application’s icon information. For example background color, icon color, and what object is shown. Read more about icon.

2. views_list

This object array contains information about all program views. For example, when you just created a new application, there are only two views: Main and Form. If you add new blocks to this application, information about the new view will appear in views_list. Read more about views_list.

3. field_list

This array contains all data type models. It could be inputs: fields for entry text, date, outputs: tables, task board, or actions: buttons, filter, etc. Read more about field_list.

4. items_list

This array is information storage. All information from inputs will be saved in the item_list array and you can look for all the data here. Read more about items_list.

5. file_list

This array contains data about files loaded into the application. When you add files to the application, information about them will appear in file_list. Read more about file_list.