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Rest API

Web Sockets

Request of the current type are aimed to sending messages to users.They perform similar actions - sending any messages, but are used in different cases. They also have a specific feature. After using these requests, in addition to the response, there will also be web socket messages.

There are two such requests:

  1. ws/emit-to-user
  2. ws/broadcast-to-app-subscribers


The first request allows you to send various messages to a specific person, or rather, a user.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/ws/emit-to-user

It consist of the data object that contains the message, an access token and the user ID.

Property Type Description
data object any data that is transmitted
token string sender's token for access to the service
user_id number accepts ID of the recipient


data: {some_data: ‘here’,…}
token: "xDDdP3FhfYamgo8XEqdrtgfhyjq4hg2A443zTL6fyRNvGSvuQoxXGCS"
user_id: 22


In response, we receive all the data that was passed in the request, the API, and the sender's default application ID, which is created when the user has just registered.

api: "/ws/emit-to-user"
app_id: 178
response: {some_data: ‘here’,…}
token: "xDDdP3FhfYamgo8XEqdrtgfhyjq4hg2A443zTL6fyRNvGSvuQoxXGCS"
user_id: 22

WebSocket Message

The recipient user will receive the following WebSocket message. It is very similar to the request response, but the user_id is an ID of the message sender.

api: "/ws/emit-to-user"
app_id: 178
response: {some_data: ‘here’,…}
token: "xDDdP3FhfYamgo8XEqdrtgfhyjq4hg2A443zTL6fyRNvGSvuQoxXGCS"
user_id: 1

Status Code

Name Description
200 user received a message


This request is different from the first one, which sends a message to all users subscribed to one specific app.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/ws/broadcast-to-app-subscribers

The request contains a data object with a message inside, an access token, and an application with recipient users.

Property Type Description
data object any data that needs to be transferred
token string sender's token for access to the service
app_id number application whose subscribers are to be notified


app_id: 178
data: {some_data: ‘here’,…}
token: "xDDdP3FhfYamgo8XEqdrtgfhyjq4hg2A443zTL6fyRNvGSvuQoxXGCS"


It returns all the data that was sent, the AP, and the sender ID in the initialized app that was created when that user first signed up.

api: "/ws/broadcast-to-app-user"
app_id: 178
response: {some_data: ‘here’,…}
token: "xxDDdP3FhfYamgo8XEqdrtgfhyjq4hg2A443zTL6fyRNvGSvuQoxXGCS"

WebSocket Message

In case of this request, all users which subscribed on the specific application will receive the web socket message. It contains all the same data as the response to the request, as well as the sender's ID.

api: "/ws/broadcast-to-app-user"
app_id: 178
response: {some_data: ‘here’,…}
token: "xDDdP3FhfYamgo8XEqdrtgfhyjq4hg2A443zTL6fyRNvGSvuQoxXGCS"
user_id: 1

Status Code

Name Description
200 all users received the message