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Rest API


GudHub has interesting file generation. Files are saved in a file list. In turn, file ID is saved in an item. When we need to use a file in the application, we calls the method that finds the file in file_list by its ID.

For working with different file, there are existing file requests:

  1. file/upload
  2. file/update
  3. file/duplicate
  4. file/delete


Request for loading the image to the application.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/file/upload

It contains token and file object that contains all information about the file.

Name Type Description
token string using for getting access
file object uploaded file object





In reply will be file data.


Status Code

Name Description
200 Ok file is downloaded
710 user have no access rights


This is a request that allows you to update a file uploaded to GudHub.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub/file/update

It contains token and file object. The file object contains the main data of the file. If any property has an empty value, the corresponding file property will be overwritten.

So, if you don't want to change the value of the property, you shouldn't write the property in the query.

Name Type Description
token string using for getting access
file object uploaded object file


    file: {
        "title": "file name",
        "alt": "test example"

    token: pzubxbfeqxl.vyccbfzwdwourloqhm-_babfozs-xs.


In return we will see updated file data.

    "extension": "html",
    "title": "file name",
    "alt": "test example"

Status Code

Name Description
000 Unupdate wrong properties (expansion, size, ...)
200 Ok file is updated
710 user have no access rights


Request for creating a duplicate of the current file.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
POST Form Data https://gudhub.com/GudHub_Test/api/new/file/duplicate

It contains token, source object that in turn contains file ID and destination object.

Name Type Description
token string using for getting access
source number shows where the file duplicates from
destination object shows where the file duplicates to



    source: {
    destination: {


In response will be shown object of a file copy.


Status Code

Name Description
000 Unupdate wrong properties (expansion, size, ...)
200 Ok file duplicated
710 user have no access rights


Request for file deleting, but for real it just gets trash status true.


Request Method Content Type Request URL
GET Query String Parameters https://gudhub.com/GudHub_Test/file/delete

It contains token and file ID.

Name Type Description
token string using for getting access
file_id number ID given to the uploaded file





In response will be file data.

    "app_id": 12345,
    "extension": "ipeg",
    "item_id": 798231,
    "file_name": "download",
    "item_id": 8782319,
    "last_update": 2837821,
    "url": "https://gudhub.com/userdata/12345/798231.jpeg"

Status Code

Name Description
200 Ok file is deleted
710 user have no access rights