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Core API

Document Manager

Document manager is responsible for creating, receiving, and deleting documents in the application.

All file manipulation is provided by these methods:

  1. createDocument

  2. getDocument

  3. getDocuments

  4. deleteDocument


This method is called for creating a new document in the certain application. It takes object of general document data.

async gudhub.createDocument(documentObject)
Argument Name Type Description
documentObject object contains app_id, field_id, item_id, and data
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

const authkey = 'kLKKSlfjMmslk;eks;ldfspfk,v';
let documentObject = {
    app_id: "24343",
    element_id: "324534",
    item_id: "2324234",
    data: {
        name: "John",
        last_name: "Dow"

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(authkey);
    let createdDocument = await gudhub.createDocument(documentObject);

In response we get the object of the created document:

    "_id": "62b9a14990084b1d7bea8dc3",
    "app_id": 24343,
    "element_id": 324534,
    "item_id": 2324234,
    "last_update": 1656332617160,
    "data": "{\"text\":\"John\",\"level\":\"Dow\"}"


The method for getting needed document from the applications documents list. It takes a desired document location object as an argument.

async gudhub.getDocument(documentAddress)
Argument Name Type Description
documentAddress object contains app_id, field_id, and item_id
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

const authkey = 'kLKKSlfjMmslk;eks;ldfspfk,v';
let documentAddress = {
    app_id: "24343",
    element_id: "324534",
    item_id: "2324234",

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(authkey);
    let gottenDoc = await gudhub.getDocument(documentAddress);

This method returns such object as response:

    "_id": "62b9a14990084b1d7bea8dc3",
    "app_id": 24343,
    "element_id": 324534,
    "item_id": 2324234,
    "last_update": 1656332617160,
    "data": "{\"text\":\"John\",\"level\":\"Dow\"}"


This method is called to get array of documents from the application. As an argument it takes a array of document locations objects.

async gudhub.getDocuments(documentsAddresses)
Argument Name Type Description
documentsAddresses object contains app_id, field_id, and item_id
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

const authkey = 'kLKKSlfjMmslk;eks;ldfspfk,v';
let documentsAddresses = [{
    app_id: "24343",
    element_id: "324534",
    item_id: "2324234"
    app_id: "24344",
    element_id: "324534",
    item_id: "2324678"

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(authkey);
    let gottenDocs = await gudhub.getDocuments(documentsAddresses);

This method returns an array of document objects:

    "_id": "62b9a14990084b1d7bea8dc3",
    "app_id": 24343,
    "element_id": 324534,
    "item_id": 2324234,
    "last_update": 1656332617160,
    "data": "{\"text\":\"John\",\"level\":\"Dow\"}"
    "_id": "62b9a14990084bjdkfnneer3243",
    "app_id": 24344,
    "element_id": 324534,
    "item_id": 2324678,
    "last_update": 1656332617160,
    "data": "{\"text\":\"John\",\"level\":\"Dow\"}"


Due to this method you can delete document from the application.

async gudhub.deleteDocument(documentAddress)
Argument Name Type Description
documentAddress object contains app_id, field_id, and item_id
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

const authkey = 'kLKKSlfjMmslk;eks;ldfspfk,v';
let documentAddress = {
    app_id: "24343",
    element_id: "324534",
    item_id: "2324234",

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(authkey);
    let deletedDoc = await gudhub.deleteDocument(documentAddress);

Despite the method deletes document, it returns an object of the deleted document:

    "_id": "62b9a14990084b1d7bea8dc3",
    "app_id": 24343,
    "element_id": 324534,
    "item_id": 2324234,
    "last_update": 1656332617160,
    "data": "{\"text\":\"John\",\"level\":\"Dow\"}"