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Core API

App Processor

App Processor is responsible for creating, updating and deleting applications, receiving them, their information, and application list.

This article will describe all app methods:

  1. getAppsList

  2. getApp

  3. getAppInfo

  4. updateApp

  5. updateAppInfo

  6. createNewApp

  7. deleteApp


With this method you can get list for authentified users applications. The applications will be returned in array format.

async gudhub.getAppsList()

Before calling this method you should be authentified.

import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(AUTHKEY);
    let appList = await gudhub.getAppsList();

In response we will get an array of applications called apps_list:

    "app_id": 39,
    "app_name": "My Application",
    "chunks": [],
    "field_list": [],
    "file_list": [],
    "group_id": 42,
    "icon": {},
    "items_list": [],
    "keys_list": [],
    "last_update": 1626443488601,
    "permission": 2,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 0,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 25,
    "views_list": []
    "app_id": 49,
    "app_name": "My Application 2",
    "chunks": [],
    "field_list": [],
    "file_list": [],
    "group_id": 42,
    "icon": {},
    "items_list": [],
    "keys_list": [],
    "last_update": 1626443488601,
    "permission": 2,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 0,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 25,
    "views_list": []


This method is called to get an application by its ID specified as an argument.

async gudhub.getApp(app_id)
Argument Name Type Description
app_id number unique application ID
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

let app_id = 23748;

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(AUTHKEY);
    let application = await gudhub.getApp(app_id);

It returns the object of the certain application:

    "app_id": 23748,
    "app_name": "Project Management",
    "chunks": [],
    "field_list": [...],
    "file_list": [...],
    "group_id": 26478,
    "icon": {...},
    "items_list": [...],
    "keys_list": [...],
    "last_update": 1638795735791,
    "permission": 4,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 0,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 1289987,
    "views_list": [...]


For optimization of the processes was created such methods as getAppInfo. They exclude a need to get all information from server.

async gudhub.getAppInfo(app_id)

This particular one is called to get an application overview.

Argument Name Type Description
app_id number unique application ID
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

let app_id = 23748;

(async ()=>{
const gudhub = await new GudHub(AUTHKEY);
let appInfo = await gudhub.getAppInfo(app_id);

As a result, we will get an application object with empty arrays, but with information about, for example, icon or permission.

    "app_id": 23748,
    "app_name": "My Application",
    "chunks": [],
    "field_list": [],
    "file_list": [],
    "group_id": 42,
    "icon": {
        "id": 25250, 
        "icon_id": "paint", 
        "icon_color": "ffffff", 
        "gradient_up": "89f7fe", 
        "gradient_down": "66a6ff"},
    "items_list": [],
    "keys_list": [],
    "last_update": 1626443488601,
    "permission": 2,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 0,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 25,
    "views_list": [],


This method is called to update existing application data. As an argument it takes existing application object.

async gudhub.getAppInfo(app_id)
Argument Name Type Description
app object contains updated application data
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

let app = {
    app_id: 26506,
    app_name: "Project Team",
    chunks: [],
    field_list: [{...},...],
    file_list: [],
    icon: {...},
    items_list: [],
    permission: 4,
    priority: 0,
    privacy: 1,
    show: true,
    view_init: 1289961,
    views_list: [{...},...],

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(AUTHKEY);
    let updatedApp = await gudhub.updateApp(app);

It returns an application object with all updated information.

    "app_id": 26506,
    "app_name": "Project Team",
    "chunks": [],
    "field_list": [{...},...],
    "file_list": [],
    "group_id": 26477,
    "icon": {...},
    "items_list": [],
    "keys_list": [{...}],
    "last_update": 1638802007942,
    "permission": 4,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 1,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 1289961,
    "views_list": [{...},...],


As well as getAppInfo, this method works with application overview. Namely, updateAppInfo updates general information.

async gudhub.updateAppInfo(appInfo)
Argument Name Type Description
appInfo object contains only general data about application
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

let appInfo = {
    app_name: "Sales",

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(AUTHKEY);
    let updatedAppInfo = await gudhub.updateAppInfo(appInfo);

This method returns an updated application.

    "app_id": 26506,
    "app_name": "Christmas Sales",
    "chunks": [],
    "field_list": [{...},...],
    "file_list": [],
    "group_id": 26477,
    "icon": {...},
    "items_list": [],
    "keys_list": [{...}],
    "last_update": 1638802007942,
    "permission": 4,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 1,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 1289961,
    "views_list": [{...},...],


This method is called for creating a new application with default data.

async gudhub.createNewApp(app)
Argument Name Type Description
app object contains new application`s data
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

let app = {
    app_id: 26748,
    app_name: "Template New",
    chunks: [],
    field_list: [],
    file_list: [],
    group_id: 26719,
    icon: {...},
    items_list: [],
    permission: 4,
    priority: 0,
    privacy: 1,
    show: true,
    trash: false,
    view_init: 1314802,
    views_list: [{...},…],

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(AUTHKEY);
    let newApp = await gudhub.createNewApp(app);

It returns a new application object:

    "app_id": 26748,
    "app_name": "Template New",
    "chunks": [],
    "field_list": [],
    "file_list": [],
    "group_id": 26719,
    "icon": {...},
    "items_list": [],
    "keys_list": [],
    "last_update": 1638803480148,
    "permission": 4,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 1,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 1314802,
    "views_list": [{...},…],


This method is called to delete an application.

async gudhub.deleteApp(app_id)
Argument Name Type Description
app_id number unique application ID
import GudHub from '@gudhub/core';

let app_id = 23749;

(async ()=>{
    const gudhub = await new GudHub(AUTHKEY);
    let deletedList = await gudhub.deleteApp(app_id);

We will get a list of applications without the deleted application:

    "app_id": 23748,
    "app_name": "Marketing",
    "chunks": [],
    "field_list": [],
    "file_list": [],
    "group_id": 42,
    "icon": {},
    "items_list": [],
    "keys_list": [],
    "last_update": 1626443488601,
    "permission": 2,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 0,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 25,
    "views_list": [],
    "app_id": 23750,
    "app_name": "Programming",
    "chunks": [],
    "field_list": [],
    "file_list": [],
    "group_id": 42,
    "icon": {},
    "items_list": [],
    "keys_list": [],
    "last_update": 1626443488601,
    "permission": 2,
    "priority": 0,
    "privacy": 0,
    "show": true,
    "trash": false,
    "view_init": 25,
    "views_list": [],