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Rest API

Introduction Rest API

GudHub`s API is a comfortable tool to integrate applications. It helps you to write applications in any programming language without any problems.

API works by tokens. That means the requests are sent with tokens. That is how the server knows that user tries to send a request. Every token is generated for 10 hours only.

API has its own structure in GudHub. It is divided into:

  • authentication
  • application
  • items
  • elements
  • documents
  • files
  • sharing

There are existing different requests for them. They are sent as string-type data.

For the actions in web-services are used API requests. In GudHub there are several groups of such requests:

Name Description
auth requests carry out authentification; details…
app requests for work with the application; details…
items requests for working with items; details…
elements requests for working with elements; details…
documents requests for working with documents; details…
file request for working with uploaded files; details…
sharing request for sharing the application; details…
clear_cache request for cleaning cache; details…

The request body contains needed server information in a text format instead of JSON.